OFF WHITE C∕O VIRGIL Monet oil painting zipper hooded jacket (B048)

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designer,replica,clothing,fake,1:1,lv,luxury,high quality OFF WHITE C∕O VIRGIL Monet oil painting zipper hooded jacket (B048)

Features & Compatibility

OFF WHITE C∕O VIRGIL Monet oil painting zipper hooded jacket (B048) Browse our choice of replica 1:1 designer Luxury Clothing. up to now, it has attracted 10000+ repeat customers many of our customers are regulars and have left us sparkling opinions on Quora. keep nowadays!

Name: OFF WHITE C∕O VIRGIL Monet oil painting zipper hooded jacket
Description: OFF WHITE C/O VIRGIL Monet oil painting zipper hooded jacket
The fabric is custom-woven and dyed, the fabric has a silky texture, oversized Hat shape, large silhouette, large dropped shoulders, washed and pre-shrunk, no fading or shrinkage, printing using Japanese Mimaki printing machine, no edges or rough edges, a total of 8 sets of screens with contrasting colors that are very difficult to adjust, white modified film 15 times, the black film was modified 18 times. The film dots affect the color of the glue. The most difficult one is pink. The dots were modified 8 times. The pink, yellow, and black colors are used to create the face color. The wings, purple, yellow, white, and red, are 4 colors that conflict with each other to create the wings. Effect, any set of film dots that are too dense or too sparse will affect the coloring effect. The sleeves are different on the left and right. There are six sets of film versions in total. The wash labels are also customized according to the original fonts from the company. The accessories still use the correct accessories across the board and are woven in a rectangular shape. In the collar label design, the previous three-dimensional silicone feel font was canceled and changed to a fully woven collar label. Fluorescent fonts can be seen in the collar label part. The five-link silicone feel font was canceled and changed to a fully woven collar label. The collar label part is You can see the fluorescent fonts, five-link silicone hangtag, three-link washable label and zebra crossing packaging line are still there
Size: XS- L
Coding: 2023 (#2) 5600813

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L, M, S, XS

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